
The Power of Investor Pushback And Regulatory Change. Case Study: Japan

WealthBriefing Asia


Examining the Japanese market, CEO of Sales Road Maps Online Ltd® Cathy Brand writes in WealthBriefingAsia about how to answer clients when they ask why fund marketing regulations are so complex, vague and often overly restrictive?

Cathy Brand has written before in the pages of WealthBriefingAsia about compliance and strategy in the financial world.

Global Sales Compliance has been tracking the evolutionary development of country fund marketing regulations in 60-plus jurisdictions for more than two decades.

When we advise clients on marketing their funds in numerous jurisdictions, clients frequently ask: “Why”? “Why are fund marketing regulations in a specific jurisdiction so strict/overly complex and/or so vague/grey?”

Clients ask the “Why Question” to understand why it can be easy for them to comply with fund marketing regulations in some countries but so difficult in others.

Download the article using the button above to find the answer.